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  • Writer's pictureDillard Drive Magnet PTA

Teacher Appreciation Week Support Needed

Hello Dragonfly Families, its that time again.! Teacher Appreciation Week is coming soon, and we need your assistance to help make our end-of-the-week PRIZE Wheel Day a success.

May 6-10 Week Schedule

Monday: May 6th- Cookie Day

Tuesday: May 7th - Doordash - gift card - PTA purchase $15 each

Wednesday: May 8th- Dress as a Super Hero - Teachers are our Super Heros - bring a note or gift to your teachers Day

Thursday: May 9th - Bring an appreciation note or gift for your teacher day

Friday: May 10 - Prize Wheel - BOARD MEMBERS and PTA Volunteers to help run Sign Up Here to Volunteer on for Prize Day!

We have mapped out a week to celebrate our DDMES Teachers, and we need help reaching out to our Community Partners to donate and secure prizes for the prize day on Friday, May 10th. Our teachers will visit us in the Lost and Found Cove (right outside the cafe) to take a spin on our prize wheel. Teachers will get one spin for a chance to pick a prize from our categories.

Pick a Country and Pick a Language feature a mix of gift cards to local business and community partners' donations. These items can be gift cards to movies, dinners, spa treatments, restaurants, hair or nail salons, product gift bags, candles, and more.

Go Swimming features two kiddy pools filled with our teachers' favorite classroom/office supplies, such as flare pens, Sharpies, Expo markers, sticky notes, erasers, pencils, note pads, and more.

Teacher Raffle is a raffle for our teachers to enter to win 1 of 4 prizes. We need at least four top prizes on a table for our teachers to place 2 raffle tickets in for a chance to win. Those items in the past have been a $100 Amazon gift card, a $100 grocery store card, a beach supply gift basket etc… (pending donations, PTA will purchase gift cards) 

Can you Guess the Amount this year instead of having our teachers guess the amount of the paper clips, erasers, pencils, or sticky notes (they get to keep it all if they guess correctly). This year, we thought, let's have them guess the amount to the "penny" whats in the gift bag. They win the gift bag if they make a correct guess down to the penny. We are looking for a beach bag with beach items, a movie night with items to make a movie night out, a date night, etc... Looking for at least 4 to 5 gifts. We must be provided with the total value of the item(s) donated to determine who will guess the correct amount to win!

If you are interested in helping the PTA secure any of the above items, please let us know ASAP so we can prepare you with the donation request letter to gather items from our community partners and vendors.

We will need all items in hand by May 5th to sort them in time for Friday, May 10th, big Prize Wheel Day! Please contact us at


Pick a Language
Pick a Country
Go Swimming

Teacher Raffle Ticket Chance to Win



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