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Active Fundraisers
Year-Round Support
Givebacks MemberHub Program! Sign up today and earn cashback for your family and our school simultaneously. $5 for each active supporter PLUS up to 1% of all eligible purchases! Share with your family, friends, and more, and earn more with your referral code!
DDMES online Store 5% of sales are donated back to DDMES PTA. This store is an on demand print store and all items are through a 3party vendor. Orders are printed at time of each order.
Past Fundraisers
download | field Day 2024 (1) | 2023raffler community donors-1 |
PieTeacher | 2023springraffle-1 | LBF_F23_SocialPost_TheBookFairIsHere_English_2X |
5thgrade fund2024 | 2023-2024 DDMES PTA Spirit Nights | TAWMay 6-10, 2024 (1) |
DDMES BOGF-Shirts Sale | MARCH_DDMES_960x960 | D00589F1-7EBC-4E80-AF13-6530D857A217 |
boxtopsclippedimage22x | Screen Shot 2022-06-23 at 2.55.33 PM | IMG_1010 |
IMG_3838 | IMG_0579 | 00E96D4F-38A2-49A7-A4DC-6E8CFACA0525_1_105_c |
62E00326-9957-4381-AFAB-8959DD2489A0_1_105_c | DDMESPTA Raffle Bonanza | Screen Shot 2022-03-08 at 10.49.19 AM |
3 | Grade | DDMESYB21_22YEarbookCoversOutline-01 |
Screen Shot 2022-05-09 at 12.21.57 PM | F0D0EE6E-13C2-4EF7-A219-6167F9CFC6FE | 31A74CBB-1E48-4B3F-AE59-032D9493F5B2 |
1D8503A1-CF5C-4D61-AC4E-AA2B2C75EA17 | Flavors April 8th Spirit Night (1) | DDEC32CF-4C0D-45C5-845A-586925D24141_1_105_c |
School Spirit Day McDonalds (1) | Donations PTA page | TeacherFund |
Giving Tuesdaypost | Contender-eSPORTS-FINAL1 | DDMES PTA night Chipotle |
images | 3 | 2 |
4 | 1 | DDMES PTA Moe's Spirit Night |
Teachers!social post2022 | 3 | DDMES NEW SPIRIT WEARV2 |
Look at Our New Water Fountains! (1) | Let's Stock the Snack Cart | Dont forget magnet |
PTA Pizza Night | social_media_imageCoke | March 26-April 23 Teacher Appreciation Fundraiser |
2 | Support | 4BD732DE-C6A3-4F51-BC7C-30B9D7162F6A_1_105_c |
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