2024 Dragonfly Dash Updates |
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This Fundraiser event will be held at the Dillard Drive Magnet Middle School Track on March 15, 2024. Each classroom will be allotted 20 minutes for each student to complete as many laps as possible around the track.
Tentative Dash Schedule: ***Subject to Change*** 8:30-9:25 Morning Set up 9:25-9:55 Pre K, Pre K AU, ECS 1, ECS 2 10:10-10:50 Fifth Grade 10:55-11:35 First Grade 11:40-12:20 Kindergarten 12:25-12:55 Lunch 1:00-1:40 Fourth Grade 1:45-2:25 Third Grade 2:30-3:10 Second Grade 3:10 Clean Up
Since this is a major fundraiser for DDMES, students will collect monetary pledges for the number of laps around the track they think they will complete.
How the fundraising will work:
All students have been entered into the Givebacks Online Fundraising System and are associated with their teacher. In the system, you can access your student’s personal fundraising page. Once you access your student’s page, you can start sharing that link with your family and friends through email or social media.
Special Note: Even though your student is already registered and you choose not to use the online system and would like to use a paper pledge form to collect, please get in touch with the DDMES PTA to receive that form. ptainfo@ddmespta.com The DDMES PTA sponsors this event and will provide water, ice treat , and Prizes. All students will receive official DDMES Dragonfly Dash wristbands to track their laps at the event.
Want to Volunteer or Swag for the Event and Work the event Sign-UP is OPEN and you can also Purchase - Volunteer and Student Shirts in the DDMES Swag Shop to wear on your shirt! (you don't have to purchase a shirt if you volunteer, just an extra option for the eent experience if you choose. :) )