DDMES Parents DDMES Yearbooks are ON-SALE NOW through March 29, 2024. They can be ordered ONLINE through the Josten's Website. Yearbooks are $18.00 each.
There are options through the ONLINE SITE for personalization for an additional cost per yearbook ordred.
Student Name - $5.00
Icon - $3.00
Yearbooks are $18.00 each.

All orders are to be placed through the Josten's site until March 29, 2024 and the ONLINE site will be closed. The official yearbook order will be placed with the Jostens Printer and we will order a few additional yearbooks and will be sold through the DDMES PTA MemberHub Site (no personalization options will be available). Additional copies will be sold through the DDMES PTA MemberHub for $20.00each until gone.
**Please note we will not be placing an additional print order for the 2023-2024 school year.

DDMES PTA's Member Hub site for $ 20.00 each until they are gone. Order online before 3/29/24 to guarantee your order!

Order your official DDMES YEARBOOK TODAY to ensure you get your students 2023-2024 YEARBOOK!