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September 8, 2023 Friday Message

Writer's picture: DDMES DDMES

Dear Dragonfly Families!

Our Kindergartners have had a busy week adjusting to their new routines and school! Thank you to our carpool families for being patient as they learn and arrive/dismiss safely.1st-5th grade students are doing great things! I look forward to welcoming families in to volunteer and eat with students beginning in October so you can see great things happening, too! Save the Date: Save the Date-Curriculum night-September 28th, 5:30-7:00 (PTA Meeting and Curriculum Night-Come see what your students will be learning this semester and hear ways you can support at home and our school. Adult Behavior:There are a lot of things that impact how we respond to various situations: stress, the heat, stress, traffic, stress, etc. However, please be mindful of how we as adults are interacting with one another on school property, and especially in front of children. For example, in carpool this week there were a couple incidents of profanity and disrepect towards other adults from parents. Not only is this inappropriate on campus, but children were impacted by the incidents. Inappropriate language, yelling, etc. is unacceptable and is grounds for being trespassed from campus if multiple incidents occur. I do not ever want to exclude families from school and we value our community. However, the safety (physical and emotional) of students and staff is paramount. Dismissal:Families, this is a reminder that students may not be checked out after 3:15pm and any dismissal changes (preferably by calling our front office) must be made before 3:15. For carpool dismissal, please also remain in the carpool line and do not park and walk up to the main office door. No carpool parking is allowed in the bus loop. Only designated walkers that live within the DDMES walking radius, based on their home address, can be picked up as walkers from the front door. Thank you for your help and support! Communication: Teachers will be using Talking Points as the primary communication method again this year. Your contact information is automatically connected to Talking Points via PowerSchool. If you change your number/email address, please update the information at school so we can contact you. You may also email teachers directly (email addresses are on our website. The best form of communication for me and our assistant principal is via email. You can reach me at and Ms. Montgomery at Please do not use Talking Points to message us because we don’t always receive them in a timely manner. Message from our PTA: Want to join the DDMES PTA or join a DDMES PTA Committee? Please visit our PTA website at and join today. Make sure to follow the DDMES PTA at @ddmespta on social media for updates and more throughout the year ! Upcoming DDMES PTA Spirit Nights (% of sales at each event will go back to the DDMES PTA to help support our school for the 2023-2024 school year)

  • September 13th, Dairy Queen - Cary Location 631 Walnut St. | 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM

  • October 2nd, McDonald’s of Cary - 1830 Walnut St. 11 AM - 7 PM

  • November 2nd, Papa John’s - 3 Locations Avent Ferry, Grand Heights and Tryon Rd. ALL DAY!

School Fundraiser coming soon

  • Carpool VIP FUNDRAISER COMING SOON- Be on the lookout for more information to come in the next couple weeks.

Volunteer Opportunities Sign Ups Coming Soon

  • Campus Garden and Grounds Clean Up

  • Carpool Volunteers


  • September 13th, Dairy Queen - Cary Location 631 Walnut St. | 4:00 PM- 8:00 PM


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