June 12, 2024 5th Grade Celebration
It's that time again to celebrate our 5th grade students as they end elementary school and move to their next big adventure to middle school.
We're seeking enthusiastic helpers to assist:with
-Ceremony support (checking in and out families)
-Lunch setup
-Serving and cleanup
-Classroom activities
-Student Check-Out
Your support will ensure smooth operations and create lasting memories for our 5th graders. Sign up now to be part of the excitement! Thank you for your dedication and support!
Volunteer Sign Up Is OPEN - Click Here for Sign Up Form
Schedule of Events
Moving Up Ceremony - DDMES Gym
Only ticketed guests will enter through the gym doors (located on the bus loop side of the school) and will exit through the cafeteria at the ceremonies conclusion. (Must Have Tickets to enter ceremony for your students class time.)
*DDMES School Admin will be at tables to check tickets and manage families entering the building.
Group 1 (Wilson/Jenkins 5th Grade Classes):
10-10:45 for ceremony (please arrive and be seated on time)
10:45-11:00am for family pictures out side in the grassy spot out side the cafeteria ***If parents choose to check-out their students for the remainder of the day they must see the classroom teacher to check out student. (PTA volunteers will be onsite to support)
11:00am Students ONLY will head back to classes for lunch and classroom celebration activities
Group 2 (Escobedo/Council/Davis):
11:30am - 12:15pm ceremony (please arrive and be seated on time)
12:15 - 12:30pm for family pictures out side in the grassy spot out side the cafeteria ***If parents choose to check-out their students for the remainder of the day they must see the classroom teacher to check out student. (PTA volunteers will be onsite to support)
12:30pm Students ONLY will head back to classes for lunch and classroom celebration activities
***Volunteer Reminders***
If you are able to sign up and volunteer for this event please arrive 10min before your shift so we can check you and and get you to your assigned location for your shift. When you arrive on campus please check in with our PTA rep located in the front office so we can assist you and not distribute day to day activities.
When you check in, we will provide you with an orange lanyard with your name that MUST BE WORN DURING YOUR SHIFT. When you have completed your shift, please check out with our PTA Board Team.
***If you want to check out your student, at the end of your shift, please let the PTA STAFF KNOW AT CHECK IN SO WE CAN WORK WITH THE OFFICE.
Also, as a reminder, younger siblings are not allowed to participate in your volunteer time. This event is for DDMES students only, and younger siblings are not allowed to be on campus with you during your shift. If this changes your availability, please let the PTA know ASAP so we can adjust your time slot.
Again, please text Stacey Webb with questions. We look forward to seeing you all on June 12th at your assigned time. 919-624-7669