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DDMES PTA Member Meeting Minutes 9/28/2023

Writer's picture: Dillard Drive Magnet PTA Dillard Drive Magnet PTA

PTA Member Meeting Curriculum night 9/28/23

PTA Presentation and Understanding Title 1 Side

Board Members in attendance: Brooke Pristell, Cheryl Tran, Rachel Powell, Lisa Padgett, Wanda Simpkins, Stacey Webb, Beth Kelly, Renda Dennie

Meeting start: 5:20pm

  1. Dr. Sykes Welcome to families and introduction of grade level, Quest, language arts, ECS teachers, and Administration/staff

  2. Stacey Webb

  3. Welcome to families to PTA and introduction of the PTA board

  4. Request for anyone who would like to join the board in Fundraising Chair Elect position this year

  5. Start of slideshow

i) Discussion of what the PTA is/does. Emphasized that we are a give what you can give volunteer committee, and any help is appreciated.

ii) We want to focus and build on our committees:

  • Communication

  • Hospitality

  • Advocacy

  • Fundraising

iii) information on how PTA earns donations in the form of percentage of sales from Givebacks, Publix, Harris Teeter and also sales from PTA swag shop

iv) addressed the current need for 1st grade supplies and ECS sensory corner

3) Brief overview of the PTA budget.

  1. Budget synopsis was passed out to families prior to the start of the meeting as they entered the cafeteria.

  2. Cheryl Tran reviewed the budget

  3. Lisa Padgett called for verbal approval of the budget and the budget was approved unanimously with no opposition.

4) Volunteer opportunities: Everyone wishing to volunteer must fill out form through WCPSS

  1. Grounds cleanup 10/7/23

  2. Carpool Volunteers for both morning and afternoon

  3. Lunch Room duty

  4. Picture Day 10/16/23

  5. Literati Bookfair 11/13-11/17/23

5) Upcoming Fundraisers

  1. McDonald’s 10/5/23

  2. Papa John’s all day 11/2/23

  3. Literati Bookfair online ordering starts on 10/16/23. Families can also sign up for Literati book club where 10% of proceeds will go to PTA

  4. Carpool VIP auction was shared and is now live

i) Goes live on 9/28 at 5:00pm until 11:59 pm on 10/7

ii) 2 spots in the afternoon only

iii) proceeds will go towards carpool supplies, safety

6) Last slide gave families social media handles and urged them to follow.

7) Ms. Joyner began her presentation Family Engagement

  1. Understanding Title 1

i) Title 1 is a federal funding source previously referred to as No Child Left Behind

ii) 45% of Wake county elementary schools are Title 1

iii) A total of 61 schools in Wake County receive Title 1 funds

iv) Families will receive family engagement policy information and request for feedback

v) Parents have a right to know about teacher qualifications and how the school is performing/graded.

B. AVID (Advancement Via Individual Determination)

i) This is a new pilot program that DDMES is implementing this year focused on student career and college readiness

ii) DDMES is one of seven schools in Wake County and one of two elementary schools

iii) DDMES goal for this is Organization which is only one of AVID’s tenets

iv) Program will be a slow rollout and not fully implemented for 5-7 years.

v) Students will be sent home with information on AVID in their student binders

8) Dr. Sykes mentioned that parents/guardians will be able to come into the school and have lunch with their student(s) starting Monday 10/2. Parents will need to sign in at the front desk first and will be directed to the Cafeteria after check in. Parents/Guardians are able to have lunch with their child as often as they would like.

Meeting adjourned at 5:53pm

PTA Reminders PTA Fundraisers and Spirit Nights Carpool VIP Fundraiser - September 28th through October 7th, (ends at 11:59pm) McDonalds Spirit Night October 5th 11-7pm | 1830 Walnut Street Volunteer Opportunities (click on titles to sign up)

Teacher Donation Requests

  • First Grade Classes - Classroom supplies | Paper towels | Expo markers | Baby wipes | Glue sticks | Quart Zip Locks

ECSII Class Sensory Corner Supplies

  • 2-3 small/medium gently used moon chairs and/or bungee chairs

  • Rainbow lamp

  • 2-4 50-pound bags of play sand

  • Variety of jugs with handles 8-16 large laundry detergent containers, gallon milk jugs, plastic 14-pound kitty litter containers, etc

School Reminders

  • Oct. 2nd-Quarter 1 interims go home

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